Thursday, June 19, 2008

Krisnamacharya Yoga Film 1938 (silent)

This is an interesting silent yoga video. This guy was the teacher of BKS Iyengar, which is the school of yoga that I follow.

Yesterday I did the back bend he does using my head as a support for the first time. I also used my elbows as support for my head, and had a wall behind me. It made me sweat. In the same class we did headstand with variations for nearly twelve minutes. I couldn't believe it when the teacher told us we'd been standing on our heads for that long. Sweat was dripping from my arms. At the end of the class my entire body was shaking. We hung in the ropes, and did numerous back bends, which I can handle, but it was the combination and the intensity that was dizzyfying. A great challenge, indeed.

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